The final conference of the D-ILA project is an event at which discussions and presentations on issues related to implementation of individual learning accounts will take place.
The D-ILA project combines efforts in advancing technical issues (data models, data modelling) with policy and practice (empirical study in adult learning and policy research). As a result, the conference will include discussions on issues such as:
• the state of play in developing individual learning accounts in Visegrad countries and
challenges for countries in the CEE region;
• practical challenges, but also needs and opportunities related to gathering and use of data in
adult learning;
• supporting the development of soft skills in adult learning;
• information, knowledge and tools needed to support effective distribution of funds through the
individual learning accounts;
• methods and tools for modelling the effects of different distributions of funds through ILA.
The geographical focus of the project and the conference is central and Eastern Europe, with a special focus on Visegrad countries.
We cordially invite policy-makers at the regional, national and EU levels, representatives of national agencies and key stakeholders, e.g. public employment services, adult education providers, employer organisations, companies representatives including HR departments, trade unions, and sectoral organisations. However, specialists, researchers, academics, and other groups are also interested in adult learning policies and practice. The conference will be held in English.
Please register using the following link:
The conference is organised within the D-ILA project: “Digital Individual Learning Accounts in the Visegrad Countries” financed under the Erasmus+ framework 2022-1-HU01-ADU-000086794.
For more information about the conference, please contact
Wojciech Stęchły and
Horacy Dębowski